Date: 2024-08-16 15:32:00
On April 12, local time, the EU Council approved the "Euro 7" motor vehicle emission standards. This regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union and would take effect 20 days after publication, with implementation planned for July 1, 2025. The "Euro 7" standards not only cover traditional exhaust emission management but also, for the first time, set additional limits on brake particle emissions and tyre microplastics for all vehicles.
The "Euro 7" standards will begin to apply to new light vehicle models and their braking systems 30 months after coming into effect; one year later (42 months), all newly registered vehicles must comply with the "Euro 7" standards. For heavy vehicles, the "Euro 7" standards will start to apply to new model approvals four years after coming into effect (48 months); and will be implemented for all newly registered vehicles five years after the standards take effect (60 months).
Implementation Timeline for Euro 7 Standards for Light and Heavy Vehicles
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is currently developing tyre particulate matter emissions testing procedures and limits, and will revise the "Euro 7" regulations upon completion. If UNECE cannot finalize and approve these procedures and limits in a timely manner, the European Commission will be authorized to establish tyre testing procedures and limits.
Implementation Timeline for Euro 7 Tyre Wear Rate Limits